Still preferring Meld at this point, on KDE right now and didn't run into the whitespace ignore problem this time round so might have been a bug fixed since I last used it. Kompare touts itself as a successor to KDiff(again not sure if referring to originally or KDiff3), it was sort of nicer but felt clunky using with some poor UX :\ It had an ignore whitespace setting but the merge tool seemed to disregard that, noticed configuration for regex, that might work? Interface felt cluttered/heavy and colours(default at least) not too good on the eye. Is KDiff referring to KDiff3? Just evaluated that and it seemed to flop over whitespace conflicts, line endings had a drop down to set for the file which is good. You can drag the top or bottom of a hunk to interactively show more context lines. Review Better Sublime Merge gives you to tools to breeze through code reviews: Side by Side Diffs, Syntax Highlighting, Character Diffs. Navigate to the following key: HKEYCLASSESROOT regfile shell 3. Commit Faster Stage Files, Hunks and Lines with no waiting - Sublime Merge is really, really fast. It's completely free to use for both individual and enterprise. I just had good experience with it over the past year so I wanted to share why I like it.
I'm not affiliated with Git Fork by any means. You can right-click a folder/file and the options: SaveP4MERGE RIGHT CLICK MENU FOR MAC
Launch Regedit.exe to open the Registry Editor 2. Git Fork is 'a fast and friendly git client for Mac and Windows'.

Add 'Merge (as User)' Context Menu Option for.

REG files, which should run the console tool REG.EXE. Also like to refer users to an open-source one(sorting out a guide for one of my projects that needs diffing of a third party file for update contributions). The trick is to add a 'Merge (as User)' option to the right-click menu for. I'll give it a look :) I don't mind paying for good software, but when the license locks it down from using on my other computers/vms it's a bit of a pain.